07 April 2010

Snake Man

As I was leaving work one day last week I came across The Snake Man.

The Snake Man was something / someone that I'd never encountered before. Let me set the stage...

It was a Friday afternoon. The weather was warm. Traffic was backed up. I was most likely catching up on tweeps while sitting in traffic.

When, to my horror, I see a man walking down the street with boa constrictors / pythons wrapped around both of his arms. All the way up his arms. This man appeared to be in his late 30s and had a long scraggly beard. He was scary.

Homeslice then proceeded to start slamming his snake covered arms into the windows of a car that was trying to pull out of a fast food joint. The thugs lovely looking gentlemen in the car looked terrified. (I probably would have peed in my pants).

As this lovely looking individual was headed towards my place of employment (large academic medical institution) - I called the cops.

I watched the news later, but didn't see him on there. I did hear sirens from my house (very near that area) a few minutes later. I should have stuck around and gotten a picture.

In other news... my Furminator came in yesterday. For those of you who aren't familiar with the wonder that is a Furminator - go here.

If you have a pet that sheds this will change your life. I'm not kidding. This is the hair that I brushed off of the puppy.

It was about 1/4 of a grocery bag full. She's not that large of a dog! Anyway, I'm hoping that the new toy will reduce the extraordinary amount of times a week that I vacuum / sweep. Blech!

Finally, I wore jingle shoes to work today. I knew they jingled. I tried to prevent them from jingling (superglue). It didn't work.

When I purchased the shoes I didn't realize how bad the jingling was. It's bad. So bad that a lady left the waiting room to come and look at me waiting for the elevator to see what on me was making the jingling sound.

I went home at lunch and changed shoes. I think I need some more flats. Without the jingle.

The culprits :(

And, I will leave you with yet another pic of the puppy. As she is cute. 

06 April 2010

The weekend and then, yes, another week...

Welp, it is Masters Week in Augusta, GA. This means that my normally boring quiet city becomes a major tourist attraction. My office is empty as everyone leaves town. There's no going out to eat as you'll have a 2 hour wait from IHop to a nice steakhouse. This is my first year being here during the Masters in several years. While I hate the traffic, I love the energy.

I also love that my workplace has let us leave at 4 p.m. the past two days. That is a welcome treat!

The worst part about this year in Georgia is the pollen. It is horrendous. It's bad every year, but this year it is out of control. I went to the mall yesterday and the mall's floors were yellow. From the pollen. Not cool mall, not cool!

The weekend with the boyfriend's parents went well. There was a lot of eating, drinking and some shopping. The puppy enjoyed meeting them. Puppy enjoys meeting everyone though. She doesn't discriminate.

(puppy wearing apron BF's Stepmom made me)

She also doesn't discriminate when it comes to food. She eats it all. Twizzlers, bell pepper, onion, cucumber, tomato, carrots, water chestnuts, steak (duh), yogurt, egg, granola and dog food. You name it, she eats it. 

I'm not a big reality TV fan. I am, however, all about Dancing With The Stars this season. I'm an Erin Andrews fan and am pulling for her. I think she and Maks need to get together. I also think Ocho Cinco and his lady have something going on. Time shall tell.

I wish I could be confident that the internet provided total anonymity. The work stories that I could tell. I'll just have to keep them in my head, I suppose. And as I am trying to not tell work stories, I will have to mainly tell you stories about my personal life. I'm not 100% confident that they will be interesting. 

I bought these pants at GAP yesterday.

I've been wanting them for a while. They were on sale for $30. I was excited. I wore them to work today. I'm less excited this evening. I bought my normal size and by the end of the day they were falling off. Beware!

I like that my GAP now leaves their dressing room doors unlocked. It makes the trying on process much easier. I recently got stuck in a dress at Marshalls. I was shopping by myself and the fitting room attendant had to come help me out of it. It was pretty embarrassing. At least I was wearing nice underwear...

01 April 2010

A new journey

I've had some time on my hands as of late and have started to delve into blog "lurking". I think the result was blog envy. While, on one hand, I like peeking into people's lives, it is also a little like window shopping. Seeing the clothes they buy, their houses and the vacations that they take.

I'm up on social media. I tweet, Facebook and have LinkedIn. But, I don't blog. I decided that, perhaps, I needed to remedy this.

My family is moving away this summer and so now they can use my blog to keep up-to-date with the happenings of my life. I can use it as a way to vent frustrations, share funny stories and post more pictures of my dog than anyone cares to see.

What I won't be doing is taking one million pictures. This is because I won't remember to do that. The pictures that I do take will be with my BB and will most likely be grainy. I also won't be showing you what I wear on a daily basis, because I highly doubt that anyone wants to see.

I will tell you about my 5 month old puppy. She's a lab mix. We (boyfriend and I) adopted her from a Humane Society. She sleeps in the bed with us (under the covers) and is the very definition of the word spoiled. She's smart, too. Last night we left her out of her crate while we went to the grocery store. I got home to find out that she'd taken it upon herself to redecorate my living room. She didn't like that I'd recently purchased a new basket to keep by the front door. She thought it would look better with a shabby chic motif going on. So, she tore it up.

^^^ That is said puppy ^^^

I will tell you about my job. But not too much about my job. Because I don't want to get fired.

I CAN tell you that today, as I was running like a madman through the hospital (desperately trying to get signatures on a grant application that is due soon) a gentleman who works in our Facilities department stopped me. He proceeded to ask me what was wrong and why my day was going so poorly. Nothing was wrong and my day was not going poorly.

Recently one of our Patient Transportation people (a young man) felt the need to explain to me on the elevator that he felt I had the symptoms of early onset Alzheimers. I don't think I'm getting Alzheimers. I think I'm simply geographically challenged.

I also think that I need to address my demeanor at work.

I can tell you about how my boyfriend's parents are coming to visit this weekend. Actually, I can't tell you much about that now, but I can after this weekend.

His Mom is the only other person that has come to visit us. I'm still not sure that I'm fully recovered.

These are the things that I will tell you about. This and so much more.